Saturday, April 3, 2010


Giotto's Lamentation

"Dear child, evil is so insidious that it often passes for good. The simple and pure of heart alone can detect
the difference. Many good works and many a good person or persons are thwarted and destroyed by apparently good people who are manipulated by the powers of evil because they do not possess that finer sense of being able to detect a false spirit from a true one."
Our Lady of America - Holy Saturday (4/18/91)

Beloved daughter, to many the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass no longer has meaning.  These have lost that spiritual sensitivity of reaching out and touching the wounded hand of my son.  In a special way, during the Holy Sacrifice Jesus comes in close contact with those who meet Him in a profound act of faith in a deep sense of His Divine and human presence.  It is a great loss when one loses the spiritual sight of the Son that the Father sent to guide us into the Eternal Vision." 
Our Lady of America - April 3, 1981

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